Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Australia Mini Country Culture of Society Research Paper

Australia Mini Country Culture of Society - Research Paper Example The way this affects communication and the media is that the media can have more freedom to say what they think is the truth. Australia falls in the midrange in the power distance index, falling lower than that other developed countries such as the United States of America. For instance, Australia scores 36 on the power distance index as compared to the United States of America which scores 40 on the same scale. This is a much lower score, as compared to other countries, especially Arab countries such as Malaysia, Egypt and Philippines which score over 90 on the power distance index scale. According to Nisbett & Miyamoto (467-473) Asians and seem to engage in cultural practices in a different way than westerns who regard issues in a context-independent manner. The main reason why the power distance in Australia is low may be the fact that there is equality in wealth distribution in comparison with other states like the United States where the wealth gap in continually increasing, leaving a thin middle class and a large part of the population being poor while a small percentage owns much of the wealth. Australia also scores a 90 for individualism and a 61 for masculinity. As Ihator (38) says, this kind of individualism is most likely to be seen in first world countries like America and not in countries in Africa. Masculinity, as measured in the Hofstede’s Power Distance Index, is a measure of the factors that are considered to be masculine such as power, materialism, assertiveness, etc. According to Kimmel (90) society with a high masculinity score on the Hofstede’s Power Distance Index is an indication that males in that country are more likely to be more assertive on their rights and are more likely to have their own choices and not be dominated. These are people who are not easily affected by public opinion and are not likely to accept power roles are meted for them.  

Monday, February 10, 2020

New Urban Infrastructure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

New Urban Infrastructure - Essay Example It was industry which caused massive migrations into inner city centers (urbanization), secondary to developing industries and the wealth of new jobs they created. These busy urban centers, prolific in mass production, became economic hubs through which business dealings with other business centers, such as those located abroad, would occur. This phenomenon engenders globalization, not only of material capital, but of human capital as well. The benefits of the industrial age are ubiquitous. The plethora of available consumer goods, efficiencies in transportation, and advances in all types of communication, give evidence to the dynamic impacts that industrialization has had throughout the world. Improvements in production leading to an increase in the availability of jobs provides elevations in per capita income, this in turn elevates the overall standards of living and quality of life for certain individuals. A side effect was urbanization. The positive effects of the situation, can and have, started to take a turn for the worse for some people, not in a pandemic fashion, but in a sporadic way throughout many large cities. The degrees of severity may be more endemic to certain areas, or affect certain peoples based on the demographics, as it pertains to geography. The downsides to urbanizations sequela include overcrowding, environmental degradation, and crime. Economic disruption, unemployment, and homelessness are played out on the streets of every urban center throughout the globe. Adaptations to the many problems provided by industrialization, urbanization, and globalization, occur via social ecology. Social, economic, and moral inequities do not balance themselves, such as molecules across a semi-permeable membrane. What it boils down to, at times, is survival of the fittest. Not of the genetically fit, but of the financially fit. These precepts are based on the "Chicago" school of thought. Unlike the, usual, distribution of resources, as seen in nature, social ecology molds the social environment via unnatural social forces. These unseen forces shape-shift the way social milieus are geographically formed and situated. An example, as pointed out in the text, is that of the formation of ghettos. Formation of ghettos does not happen by a conscious social choice, of the inhabitants therein, but by external social forces dictated by the majority social-rule of a given urban industrial area. Globalization seems to be the social forces of industrialization and urbanization on a larger scale, throughout the globe, if you will. Increasing social interactivity between and global cities and people's, spawn new social worlds within the context of the industrial/ urban/global environment. This helps to create social constructs secondary to the blending of cultural ideologies and behaviors. People are able to adopt new philosophies about life and its social interactions, as opposed to being pigeonholed into a particular moral and social philosophy. The terms and conditions of industrialization, urbanization, and globalization may be dictated by the world's leaders, but the subtle social dynamics that occur within the context of this social paradigm will be dictated by the interactions of men and women across to all geographical, tangible and intangible, borders. Urban Policy looks at ways of regenerating